CPR or pocket masks are vital devices during first aid activities — they create a seal over the victim’s mouth, allowing the rescuer to deliver oxygen during artificial ventilation. You can reuse a CPR mask up to twenty times after proper cleaning and...
When choosing a pack of wet wipes, chances are you’ve often found yourself struggling to differentiate between the antiseptic and alcohol varieties. Most people believe that the two are interchangeable. However, their differences are distinct enough to guide you...
The COVID-19 pandemic has raged on for ages, and it feels like a lifetime since we were all first asked to stay home, mask up, and socially distance ourselves from each other. Since then, COVID-19 vaccines have become our best line of defense against the virus. But...
Ventilators were once a specialized piece of equipment that trained medical professionals must operate. However, in recent years, patients who require long-term ventilation have had the option to go home. The only problem is that you’ll need to know how to...
The onset of the pandemic has introduced many habits that help protect us from the virus. These habits include using medical gloves, essential equipment for many of those on the frontlines as protective barriers. Medical gloves expire because their base materials...
Sterile gloves are a crucial component in every healthcare worker’s arsenal of protective wear. However, given how delicate the process of putting on a pair while wearing a gown can be, many professionals struggle throughout it, losing precious time in the meantime...